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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Amet Consectetur Adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod velit sit amet sapien posuere imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed velit ultrices, luctus leo ac, placerat metus.

Mauris eu convallis nisi. Integer et odio rhoncus, volutpat risus vel, pretium est. Nunc a sapien sed ligula pulvinar tempus non in turpis. Nam dapibus consectetur mi, nec sollicitudin nisl semper sit amet. Mauris in lectus non arcu consequat vestibulum. Fusce eget massa sed erat pretium cursus. Donec dignissim luctus erat, id vestibulum enim blandit vehicula.

Donec nec mauris ac mi pretium euismod. Proin accumsan elementum odio in commodo. Maecenas eget tempor enim. Proin feugiat commodo laoreet. Nulla sed metus quis urna aliquam interdum. Suspendisse orci leo, consectetur eu sodales at, sagittis non orci.

Quisque Sapien Aliquam Eleifend Eros

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod velit sit amet sapien posuere imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed velit ultrices, luctus leo ac, placerat metus. Mauris eu convallis nisi. Integer et odio rhoncus, volutpat risus vel, pretium est. Nunc a sapien sed ligula pulvinar tempus non in turpis. Nam dapibus consectetur mi, nec sollicitudin nisl semper sit amet. Mauris in lectus non arcu consequat vestibulum.

Fusce eget massa sed erat pretium cursus. Donec dignissim luctus erat, id vestibulum enim blandit vehicula. Donec nec mauris ac mi pretium euismod. Proin accumsan elementum odio in commodo. Maecenas eget tempor enim. Proin feugiat commodo laoreet. Nulla sed metus quis urna aliquam interdum. Suspendisse orci leo, consectetur eu sodales at, sagittis non orci. Nulla nec scelerisque nulla. Aenean lobortis diam ac sem vestibulum, blandit pretium neque semper.

Duis commodo porttitor nibh, eget gravida felis fermentum non. Nunc in tortor vel tortor tincidunt fringilla non ac tortor. Proin finibus massa purus, non ultricies magna ornare sed. Maecenas id quam et mauris luctus molestie. Nunc bibendum tortor felis, nec placerat ipsum blandit eget. Aliquam ut nunc est. Proin posuere arcu in neque aliquet tincidunt. Ut imperdiet lorem velit, ut congue urna lobortis at. Proin ex odio, placerat vel purus ac, aliquam sodales arcu. Duis convallis ac elit ut viverra. Nulla lobortis massa eget nibh venenatis tempus. Fusce consequat sollicitudin felis sit amet lobortis.

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Amet Consectetur Adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod velit sit amet sapien posuere imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed velit ultrices, luctus leo ac, placerat metus. Mauris eu convallis nisi. Integer et odio rhoncus, volutpat risus vel, pretium est. Nunc a sapien sed ligula pulvinar tempus non in turpis. Nam dapibus consectetur mi, nec sollicitudin nisl semper sit amet. Mauris in lectus non arcu consequat vestibulum. Fusce eget massa sed erat pretium cursus. Donec dignissim luctus erat, id vestibulum enim blandit vehicula. Donec nec mauris ac mi pretium euismod. Proin accumsan elementum odio in commodo. Maecenas eget tempor enim. Proin feugiat commodo laoreet. Nulla sed metus quis urna aliquam interdum.

Suspendisse orci leo, consectetur eu sodales at, sagittis non orci. Nulla nec scelerisque nulla. Aenean lobortis diam ac sem vestibulum, blandit pretium neque semper. Duis commodo porttitor nibh, eget gravida felis fermentum non. Nunc in tortor vel tortor tincidunt fringilla non ac tortor. Proin finibus massa purus, non ultricies magna ornare sed.

Quisque Sapien Aliquam Eleifend Eros

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam condimentum. Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque. Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce auctor cursus turpis sed porttitor. Sed luctus, arcu et euismod ultricies, leo nisl volutpat quam, sit amet condimentum magna magna vitae lacus.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed imperdiet, justo vel ullamcorper blandit, odio enim vehicula lectus, vel gravida velit nisi non felis. Nunc eleifend vulputate nisl, ac condimentum lacus scelerisque sed.

Pellentesque eleifend mollis justo nec porta. Nullam eget ligula et orci maximus porttitor non ut ligula. Maecenas vulputate ut lectus ac ultrices. Aliquam eu ante vitae lectus aliquam blandit. Nunc faucibus orci ligula, sit amet fermentum neque vulputate ut.

Vestibulum a consequat risus. Etiam fringilla risus eget nunc placerat pellentesque. Phasellus elit massa, aliquet facilisis rhoncus nec, aliquet ac ligula. Vestibulum maximus varius pulvinar. Suspendisse vitae blandit elit. Nulla facilisi. Proin efficitur erat ut tellus iaculis, vitae lobortis lacus aliquam.

Ut rutrum, ligula non elementum finibus, nulla purus tempus felis, quis ultrices ligula leo ac nisl. In posuere lorem lacus, vel commodo mi faucibus non. Nam in iaculis augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse non maximus risus. Phasellus tincidunt augue vel leo tristique fringilla. Vivamus pretium lectus nisl, vitae porta erat egestas non.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Amet Consectetur Adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam condimentum. Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque. Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce auctor cursus turpis sed porttitor. Sed luctus, arcu et euismod ultricies, leo nisl volutpat quam, sit amet condimentum magna magna vitae lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Sed imperdiet, justo vel ullamcorper blandit, odio enim vehicula lectus, vel gravida velit nisi non felis. Nunc eleifend vulputate nisl, ac condimentum lacus scelerisque sed. Pellentesque eleifend mollis justo nec porta.

Nullam eget ligula et orci maximus porttitor non ut ligula. Maecenas vulputate ut lectus ac ultrices. Aliquam eu ante vitae lectus aliquam blandit. Nunc faucibus orci ligula, sit amet fermentum neque vulputate ut. Vestibulum a consequat risus. Etiam fringilla risus eget nunc placerat pellentesque. Phasellus elit massa, aliquet facilisis rhoncus nec, aliquet ac ligula. Vestibulum maximus varius pulvinar. Suspendisse vitae blandit elit. Nulla facilisi. Proin efficitur erat ut tellus iaculis, vitae lobortis lacus aliquam.

Ut rutrum, ligula non elementum finibus, nulla purus tempus felis, quis ultrices ligula leo ac nisl. In posuere lorem lacus, vel commodo mi faucibus non. Nam in iaculis augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam:

  • Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque
  • Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce auctor cursus turpis sed porttitor
  • Sed luctus, arcu et euismod ultricies, leo nisl volutpat quam, sit amet condimentum magna magna vitae lacus
  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
  • Sed imperdiet, justo vel ullamcorper blandit, odio enim vehicula lectus, vel gravida velit nisi non felis.
  • Nunc eleifend vulputate nisl, ac condimentum lacus scelerisque sed.
  • Pellentesque eleifend mollis justo nec porta. Nullam eget ligula et orci maximus porttitor non ut ligula.
  • Maecenas vulputate ut lectus ac ultrices. Aliquam eu ante vitae lectus aliquam blandit.

Nunc ut pellentesque dolor, at laoreet tellus. Integer quis sagittis tortor. Praesent in malesuada purus. Vivamus id consequat libero. Phasellus in dui at felis rhoncus rhoncus eu vitae felis.


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Quisque Sapien Aliquam Eleifend Eros

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam condimentum. Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque. Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce auctor cursus turpis sed porttitor. Sed luctus, arcu et euismod ultricies, leo nisl volutpat quam, sit amet condimentum magna magna vitae lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed imperdiet, justo vel ullamcorper blandit, odio enim vehicula lectus, vel gravida velit nisi non felis. Nunc eleifend vulputate nisl, ac condimentum lacus scelerisque sed.

Pellentesque eleifend mollis justo nec porta. Nullam eget ligula et orci maximus porttitor non ut ligula. Maecenas vulputate ut lectus ac ultrices. Aliquam eu ante vitae lectus aliquam blandit. Nunc faucibus orci ligula, sit amet fermentum neque vulputate ut.

Vestibulum a consequat risus. Etiam fringilla risus eget nunc placerat pellentesque. Phasellus elit massa, aliquet facilisis rhoncus nec, aliquet ac ligula. Vestibulum maximus varius pulvinar. Suspendisse vitae blandit elit. Nulla facilisi. Proin efficitur erat ut tellus iaculis, vitae lobortis.

Ut rutrum, ligula non elementum finibus, nulla purus tempus felis, quis ultrices ligula leo ac nisl. In posuere lorem lacus, vel commodo mi faucibus non. Nam in iaculis augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse non maximus risus. Phasellus tincidunt augue vel leo tristique fringilla. Vivamus pretium lectus nisl, vitae porta erat egestas non.

Quisque: Elementum id massa a tempor. Vivamus a rhoncus lacus. Proin ac posuere diam. Proin tempor orci in mauris porttitor, non tristique augue fermentum. Nunc ut pellentesque dolor, at laoreet tellus. Integer quis sagittis tortor.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam condimentum. Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque. Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti fusce turpis auctor porttitor.”

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam condimentum. Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque. Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti fusce turpis auctor porttitor.”

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Quisque Sapien Aliquam Eleifend Eros

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar justo sed odio tincidunt, eget auctor diam condimentum. Morbi ac purus ut purus rutrum tincidunt vel id dolor. Integer placerat efficitur lacus in scelerisque. Proin sodales maximus justo sit amet eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce auctor cursus turpis sed porttitor. Sed luctus, arcu et euismod ultricies, leo nisl volutpat quam, sit amet condimentum magna magna vitae lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed imperdiet, justo vel ullamcorper blandit, odio enim vehicula lectus, vel gravida velit nisi non felis. Nunc eleifend vulputate nisl, ac condimentum lacus scelerisque sed. Pellentesque eleifend mollis justo nec porta. Nullam eget ligula et orci maximus porttitor non ut ligula. Maecenas vulputate ut lectus ac ultrices. Aliquam eu ante vitae lectus aliquam blandit. Nunc faucibus orci ligula, sit amet fermentum neque vulputate ut.

Vestibulum a consequat risus. Etiam fringilla risus eget nunc placerat pellentesque. Phasellus elit massa, aliquet facilisis rhoncus nec, aliquet ac ligula. Vestibulum maximus varius pulvinar. Suspendisse vitae blandit elit. Nulla facilisi. Proin efficitur erat ut tellus iaculis, vitae lobortis lacus aliquam.

Ut rutrum, ligula non elementum finibus, nulla purus tempus felis, quis ultrices ligula leo ac nisl. In posuere lorem lacus, vel commodo mi faucibus non nam in iaculis augue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are breast implants under warranty?

Yes. Many breast implants have a 10-year warranty that will cover breast implant revision if you have an implant rupture.

Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

Most women can safely breastfeed after breast augmentation.

How long does a breast augmentation last?

Breast augmentations are meant to last a lifetime, naturally changing with your body as you age. However, some patients may need an implant replacement. If this is the case for you, you will likely have 10 to 20 years with your implants before a replacement is necessary.

At what age should I get a breast augmentation?

Women in their 20s and 30s are the most common candidates for augmentation, though you can fall into candidacy if you are older. Dr. Trupiano may recommend you wait until after childbearing to undergo the procedure so that pregnancy does not alter the results.

Will my implants look fake?

Dr. Trupiano will utilize methods during the augmentation procedure to ensure the most natural-looking results possible. Your implants may be very obvious in the initial recovery stage, but they will settle more as your body heals.

Will bigger breasts alter my nipple?

If you wish to alter the appearance of your nipple, Dr. Trupiano can work with you to find your ideal shape and size. If you wish for your nipples to remain the same, Dr. Trupiano can also ensure thisu2014carefully sculpting your new breast around the nipple.

Is a breast lift covered by insurance?

Since a breast lift is a cosmetic procedure, it is usually not covered by insurance.

Do I need a breast lift or just implants?

Whether you choose to have a breast lift, implants, or both is your decision. A breast lift will improve the appearance of sagging breasts or downturned nipples. Breast implants will add more volume to your breasts.

Can breast grow back after reduction?

Although breasts can grow back after reduction, this is very rare.

Can you drink alcohol after breast reduction?

You should wait 5 days to drink alcohol after breast reduction. Do not consume alcohol while taking pain medication.

How do I know if I need a breast reduction?

If you have experienced back and shoulder pain, notice uncomfortable chaffing, or are generally unhappy with the size of your breasts, Dr. Trupiano will most likely recommend you have breast reduction surgery. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Trupiano to confirm your candidacy.

How long is breast reduction recovery?

Every patient is different, but we encourage at least a 5-day rest period before returning to work. After returning to work, it is important to take it easy and avoid strenuous exercise for the next few days. Physically intensive jobs may require you to take off time. Again, the exact amount of rest needed will be determined by Dr. Trupiano.

At what age should you get a breast reduction?

There is no perfect age for breast reduction. Depending on the reason for the reduction, patients can be as young as teenagers or in their senior years as long as they are in good health.

Does breast reduction effect breast feeding?

While you will likely be encouraged to wait until after pregnancy, breast reductions should not impact your ability to breastfeed. The nipple is treated carefully during the procedures to avoid complications with breastfeeding, though pregnancy will likely re-enlarge the breast.

Will insurance cover my breast reduction?

Dr. Trupiano does not accept any insurance for breast reduction procedures. If you are considering a reduction, you can discuss finance options with Dr. Trupiano during your consultation.

Can gynecomastia grow back after surgery?

Yes, gynecomastia can grow back after surgery but it is very uncommon. It can grow back with an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. Weight gain and undiagnosed medical issues can contribute to the return.

Can thyroid problems cause gynecomastia?

Thyroid problems can lead to gynecomastia. Specifically, hyperthyroidism can increase estrogen levels and lead to overdeveloped male tissue in men.

Can you get rid of gynecomastia without surgery?

The only way to treat true gynecomastia is to undergo male breast reduction surgery.

Does gynecomastia go away with weight loss?

Gynecomastia may not go away after weight loss. While the excess fat cells may disappear, the excess glandular tissue will still be there.

Does gynecomastia surgery leave scars?

Scarring is possible, but with a qualified surgeon, it should be very minimal and they can place them in a inconspicuous place.

How can gynecomastia be prevented?

The risk of gynecomastia can be reduced by staying away from drugs like anabolic steroids, heroin, and marijuana, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding alcohol or drinking in moderation.

How can you tell the difference between gynecomastia and Pseudogynecomastia?

While gynecomastia involves an excessive amount of glandular tissues, pseudogynecomastia is due to an excessive amount of fatty tissue.

How do I know if I have gynecomastia?

If you have pain or tenderness in the chest area that increases over time, swelling, or lumps that are hard or rubbery, you may have gynecomastia.

How do you shower after gynecomastia surgery?

You will want to avoid showering until 48 hours after your gynecomastia surgery. When you shower, make sure the water isn't too hot, don't scrub too hard, and try to stay in the shower for as little time as possible. After your shower, past your incisions dry.

How long do you have to wear a compression garment after gynecomastia?

A compression garment is typically worn for the first few weeks after surgery.

How long does it take to recover from male breast reduction?

The first stage of recovery takes about 1-2 weeks, but you can expect the full recovery process to take anywhere from 4-6 weeks.

What causes gynecomastia in males?

Hormonal imbalance, genetics, certain medications, an unhealthy lifestyle, or another undiagnosed medical condition are typically the causes of gynecomastia.

What is the best treatment for gynecomastia?

The best treatment for gynecomastia is surgery which reduces the breast size and flatten the mans chest either through liposuction or excision.

When should I start massaging after gynecomastia surgery?

Three weeks after surgery, start massaging the chest area several times a day for 20 minutes. You'll want to continue this for 8 weeks or more. It will soften the scar tissue and ensures the skin will lay evenly.

Is gynecomastia surgery painful?

General anesthesia or intravenous sedation are used during gynecomastia surgery to prevent feeling any pain.

How is gynecomastia diagnosed?

Your doctor will diagnose gynecomastia by listening to your symptoms and by doing a medical exam. They may also order blood tests, a CT scan, an MRI, and a mammogram.

What age can males beging to develop gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia typically happens during the preteen or teen years when boys are going through hormonal changes during puberty. But it can also happen to newborn babies and adult men as they grow older.

Can exercise help gynecomastia?

Unfortunately, no. Gynecomastia is not caused by excess fat. It's caused by excess glandular tissue so while exercise is good for your overall health, it will not help your gynecomastia go away.

Are you put to sleep for liposuction?

Liposuction can be performed under general anesthesia which puts you to sleep or local anesthesia which will not put you to sleep. This depends on the size of the treatment area and your comfort level.

Can I get liposuction if I am overweight?

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and is intended to treat stubborn pockets of fat. Patients should be within 30 pounds of their weight goal before liposuction surgery.

Can underarm fat be removed?

Yes. Underarm surgery (brachioplasty) is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and sagging skin from under the arms.

Does arm lift leave a scar?

Like all surgeries, your arm lift will leave a scar. However, your surgeon will try to make an incision on the inside of your arm where the scar can be easily concealed.

Are Mommy Makeovers dangerous?

Mommy makeovers are not dangerous but they do carry the same risks as any surgical procedure. Anesthesia complications, infection, and bleeding are possible but rarely occur when your surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon.

Can a tummy tuck be considered medically necessary?

Tummy tucks are not medically necessary, and is considered a cosmetic procedure which is not covered by insurance.

Do you lose weight after a mommy makeover?

It's possible to lose a small amount of weight with the liposuction part of the procedure, but a mommy makeover isn't a weight loss surgery.

How do you prepare for a mommy makeover?

Research and schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Follow instructions from the surgeon, including quitting smoking and avoiding certain medicines. Follow both pre-operative and post-operative instructions, planning ahead for recovery time.

How long does it take to recover from a mommy makeover?

Recovery after a mommy makeover varies based on which procedures you receive but patients should expect to take 4-6 weeks to recover.

How many plastic surgeries can be done at once?

The number of surgeries that can be performed at once depends on many things, like the types of procedures involved, the patients overall health, and the surgeons professional judgment.

How much did you pay for your mommy makeover?

The cost of a mommy makeover depends on the procedures involved.

Can a tummy tuck cause stomach issues?

Stomach cramps after a tummy tuck are common but these will resolve. A tummy tuck does not cause any long-term stomach issues.

Can you get pregnant after tummy tuck?

You can get pregnant after a tummy tuck but it is recommended you wait until you are done having children since future pregnancies will reverse the results of your tummy tuck.

Do you get a scar from a tummy tuck?

A scar does form after the tummy tuck procedure but it's typically very thin and can usually be hidden below your underwear.

How long do tummy tucks last?

The results of a tummy tuck can last for years if not decades. How long they last typically depends on the natural aging process, any fluctuations in your weight you experience, and how well you stick to a healthy lifestyle.

What are the side effects of a tummy tuck?

Some of the side effects that may come with a tummy tuck include bruising, redness, swelling, and scarring.

When can I start working out after tummy tuck?

When you can start working out differs for each patient but generally, it's recommended you wait approximately 6 weeks before you start working out. And you should start off slowly to build up your strength.

Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck?

A good candidate for a tummy tuck is anyone who is at a stable weight, has realistic expectations, is a nonsmoker, and has issues with the appearance of their abdomen. Those with separated abdominal muscles are also good candidates for the procedure as well.

Why would you need a tummy tuck?

There are numerous reasons why people have tummy tucks including everything from wanting to tighten the skin in the abdominal area to strengthening the muscles in the area to removing some excess fat.

Will a tummy tuck make my stomach flat?

Results will vary for each patient, but generally, the tummy tuck procedure does make the stomach area flatter.

What is included in a tummy tuck in Birmingham, MI?

A full abdominoplasty will remove the excess skin from your abdomen and tighten all underlying abdominal muscles. A partial abdominoplasty will remove excess skin and tighten the lower abdominal muscles.

Can I drive myself home from my tummy tuck in Troy, MI?

You must have a caregiver drive you home from surgery and take care of you for the evening.

How many sizes do you lose with a tummy tuck performed in Grosse Pointe, MI?

Patients may lose two to three pant sizes after their tummy tuck procedure. This varies based on each patient and how much excess skin they have removed.

What is the ideal weight I should be at before my tummy tuck in Troy, MI?

It is best to be relatively close to your desired weight for six to twelve months before your tummy tuck. You should be within 15 pounds of your goal weight.

Does insurance ever cover a tummy tuck in Troy, MI?

Insurance companies rarely cover tummy tuck procedures since they are generally elective and not medically required.

Can you get lipo on your inner thighs?

If you have excess fat on your inner thighs, liposuction will get rid of those fat bulges and slim the appearance of your thighs.

How long is recovery from a thigh lift?

Full recovery from a thigh lift will take about 4-6 weeks.

How quickly does the O shot work?

After receiving an O shot, patients should see improvements within 3 weeks. It can take about 3 months for the tissue to fully regrow.

What is labial rejuvenation?

Labial rejuvenation or labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects irregularly shaped labia or large labia. Tissue will be carefully trimmed to create a more proportional, aesthetically-pleasing look.

Does a facelift make you look younger?

Yes! A facelift will restore your youthful appearance and can make you look 10 years younger.

How do you reduce swelling after a facelift?

After your facelift, you can reduce swelling by keeping your head elevated, applying cold compresses, and following all post-surgical instructions from your doctor.

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